Paper Pig is centered around a little pig (Papi) who exists on a piece of paper. He draws his world to life with a mysterious pencil and the help of a special monkey friend (Mamo) who brings color and wonder to his plain world. Mamo is kidnapped and Papi must venture into the world they created to find his friend.
Help Papi traverse through the jungle, avoid enemies and all sorts of dangers by using power ups that transform Papi into special forms. Each form carries unique strengths and weaknesses against the dangers the little pig will encounter. Earn coconuts to open all the different forms the pig can draw from his imagination. Purchase mini games with your hard earned work to reveal certain story elements that Papi went through.
- Earn coconuts to use them as in-game currency and improve your character
- Unlock mini-games with your hard earned work to reveal certain story elements PaPi went through
- Future releases will include more power forms and more mini games to unlock!
- Unique point-of-view action where instead of the classic side-scrolling you get to fly forward and dodge dangers
- Power-ups help PaPi transform into various special forms with its own unique strengths and weaknesses
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